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Plus d'informations:
Lamborghini Urus is the first Super Sport Utility Vehicle in the world, merging the soul of a super sports car with the practical functionality of an SUV. Powered by Lamborghini’s 4.0-liter twin-turbo V8 engine, the Urus is all about a performance mindset that brings together fun-to-drive and astounding vehicle capabilities. The design, performance, driving dynamics and unbridled emotion flow effortlessly into this visionary realization of authentic Lamborghini DNA.
Les taux:
2-3 jours - 1400€
4-6 jours - 1200€
7-10 jours - 1100€
11 jours+ - 1000€
Plus de 30 jours - 900€
Plus de 60 jours - 800€ Tous prix avec TVA.
Caution : 7 000€
Par jour inclus 150km
Les kilomètres supplémentaires coûtent 7€
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